CopyScape: analyze your site from online plagiarism and theft...

Nowadays... making website is very easy.. and we can easily make the website faster. Sometimes, We find the article that is same as the article of the other site.. Why it is happened?

The main factor it is happened is the people is very lazy to create article. The people very lazy to create the something new article. Because of this fact, they search the popular article in the search engine such as Google. They find the good enough article and then they just copy the article into their site or blog.

Now, we can analyze our article is copied by other site or not by using copyscape. Copyscape is free service from that allow us to check duplicate content that there is on the other site.

1. Go to
2. Enter our URL, eg:
3. Klik Go...
4. Then the result page will be displayed

We can see the other site that copy our article. But, for free service CopyScape only show us top 10 result. If you want more you have to buy premium account.

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